Who is Vladimir Ze'ev Hanin? The following correspondence shows the conduct of Vladimir (Ze'ev) Hanin, Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption and Professor of political science at two Universities, Ariel University and Bar-Ilan University: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Alexander Cherkasky <alexcherkasky@googlemail.com> Date: 2018-04-19 14:29 GMT+02:00 Subject: Re: Alexander Cherkasky To: vladimirh@moia.gov.il Ze'ev, you do not respond. Is this the end of our correspondence? You do not wish to support me, you do not wish to evaluate my simple discovery, that the patent law is based on Torah, (you do not wish to evaluate, because as you have stated, you are not an expert), you do not express solidarity with me because of discrimination by Ute Deichmann, anti-Semite and awarded professor in Israel at Ben-Gurion University, but you express only cold and cynic ignorance. I ask you not as r...
Who is Vladimir Ze'ev Hanin?